Tuesday, September 29, 2009

LEHMAN BROTHERS SIPHON $8B: Another BCC Pricewaterhouse Coopers Bankruptcy of History $613B Debt let at $1.54B to Barclays. Is it the same Bush-Pelosi-Paulson $700B Bailout to pay Lehman Indirectly? Otto Liman Von Sanders must be Masturbating in his Grave

Obaid Karki An Outcast Underdog Libertarian Kabbalist Diogenesist Spinozists Qutbist Pantheon Hexalingual AutoMATH UAE former Secretary Independent Street-Knowledge Urban Talking-head unaffiliated to a state, a group of organized religion, a sect or a Kin and an Anti Tribal Gentile Each phrase is one Thats my bio serious case, if you agree with me, which is currently an honor It is immoral to appease to please My word hurts big time because it is the quality of a moment of truth U.S. conspiracism ...


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