Thursday, October 22, 2009

Patriot Radio News Hour 2/4:GM"Goodbye America"Hello China & Brazil !! Main Street would take a hit in the loser in a GM bankruptcy, General Motors Corp. bankruptcy Main Street, not Wall Street, said a lawyer who represented Chrysler LLC dissident creditors and tries to keep the bondholders to organize the to $ 7 billion in GM debt. Whats is being offered by the US-backed plan to give the American and Canadian governments as much as 69 percent of the capital and 17.5 per cent confidence for the unions, while bondholders will receive only 10%. GM plans to ...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Business Bankruptcy - When Does a Corporation Or Partnership Need to File?

When a company bankruptcy under either Chapter 7 or Chapter should be submitted 11? A common scenario in today's society occurs when companies or individuals are a part of the partnership or limited liability company (LLC) and the economy fails, and then they have to deal with the different options for their own bankruptcy filing. Many questions arise, how should one or both the corporate and individual owners? If yes, which chapter of bankruptcy should be filed?This article discusses a few of the many issues involved.

Scenario 1:

Fred and Wilma to 100% of the shares of Dino Corporation. Dino Corp. makes gravel of pebbles for Slate Gravel Company. However, several processes and a slowdown in the economy, Dino Corp. is closing its doors and shut down. Among the debts the company owes money to the Internal Revenue Service for employee payroll taxes, money to suppliers, employees and the credit card company. Furthermoreguaranteed due to a couple of lines of credit, the person of Fred and Wilma.

Dino Corp. has some assets, mainly machinery and equipment, but also inventory spare flint.

Fred and Wilma have now sued some of the personal guarantees, and the IRS is after them for the employee wage tax.


Should Dino Corp. a company file for bankruptcy? If Fred and Wilma file bankruptcy, or will their financial To reduce problems her life a shambles? (Sorry)


The first thing is to understand that corporations do not benefit from discharge of his debts in Chapter 7 (liquidation) bankruptcy. Even if the company could reach its debts in a Chapter 7 case, set them free, it is not / not the liability of owners .

Even if they do not receive a discharge of debts, there are some good reasons to file a Chapter 7 times> Bankruptcy for a company. First, it allows the enterprise's assets are sold and the proceeds paid by an independent liquidator. Thus the owners of the burden and the responsibility of these tasks will be to. In addition, it provides notice to all creditors of the company that the only assets will be liquidated from the now dissolved company and as part of Chapter 7 case and therefore paid for them there is nothing left to the processes in a filego after the bankruptcy has been completed.

May include, apart Whether Fred and Wilma may submit their own bankruptcy only after full consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer should be determined, but it may be the only way they have to deal with their debt (the extra debt from the above, because these lists only their obligations stemming from the company came). What chapter they file depends on their personal financial situation, debt, Income and expenses.

Ownership of a company are personally liable for some but not all the debts of a company. These employees include payroll taxes (the Trust Fund section under Internal Revenue Code 6672), and all debts were personally guaranteed by them.

There are many other issues are involved, as well as scenarios with individual entrepreneurs (sole proprietorship / DBAs) and partnerships, but these are the subject of future articles for small businesses> Bankruptcy.

See business bankruptcies for more information about this topic.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Can Debtors Afford Bankruptcy? Finding Low-Cost Bankruptcy

It seems palpable in the air, an ominous additional burden for the average American borrowers and highly indebted consumers in today's dire national economic conditions, see perhaps his only chance for some relief to find in files bankruptcy: finding low-cost bankruptcy low - cost of bankruptcy that you can afford. Meaning, essentially a non-lawyer pro se alternative.

The latest figures just released by the Secretariat of the United States> Bankruptcy Courts in the February 2009 bankruptcy filings, made a living reality crystal clear to nearly every one, namely that the rate at which the increasingly overwhelmed and) American troubled borrowers (individuals and businesses are responsible for the bankruptcy filing, has been at its highest level the now famous (or notorious, many would say!) drastic changes of 2005 to the U.S. bankruptcy law. But even more clearly that the new registration is threateningBeginning to return to the old "hate" high levels of bankruptcy filing that was the nation that achieved before this new law, passed in 2005, ostensibly to reverse the correct and curtail drastically or the high registration numbers then existing levels.

This trend in the American debtor bankruptcy filings strongly emphasizes a few basic points, among others. First, the depth and seriousness of the straight and financial difficulties in which the average American consumer andDebtor is in today. Secondly, the reality is that no matter how difficult legal hurdle and obstacle to the institutional powers that could (the Congress, the lawyers or financial institutions, courts, etc.) attempt to try to place on the path of American debtors, discouraging free or that it ever more difficult for them to find relief from the bankruptcy of its debt if it is really time to the difficult financial and economic crunch, Americans will still find a way somehow, and isstill persevere and continue to be against all odds in demanding their constitutional rights to be heard in bankruptcy, and thirdly, the critical need for the average debtor in the search for affordable alternatives to filing bankruptcy lawyer.

Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Law School professor and author of several books on bankruptcy, probably best sums up the point that, in allusion to the persuasive power of Congress by various special interests, the law of 2005, theyrestricted that the debtor from filing for bankruptcy: "The banking industry [and other interest groups] did his best to drive the cost of filing [bankruptcy]. But if families in trouble enough, they will struggle their way through the paper ticket and higher costs for lawyers "to get help", added: "The word is now leaking out [again], that the bankruptcy courts are open for business."

THE "unofficially bankrupts - debtors who do NOTFILE, because they can not afford it

But above all, as the, now from the perspective of the average bankruptcy petition, this raises a fundamental question, however. Indeed, as the current growing army of American increasingly desperate borrowers who will not only seek to for personal or business bankruptcy, but in many cases really need to file a file to log OPENS bankruptcy - particularly the high legal lawyers' costs registrationBankruptcy? How do these claims which have, or find low-cost bankruptcy? A bankruptcy, the debtor can afford adequate?

Approximately 1.1 million (1,064,000) American borrowers to open insolvency proceedings in the past year 2008 - submissions, which were many analysts are quick to remind us, in spite of these debtors, and conducted under harsh conditions, a whole series of strict, restrictive requirements and dramatically increase legal fees enacted in 2005. But,even more significant, from the standpoint of the debtor or the bankruptcy-seekers, is another closely related FACT: the worse, according to experts, THERE'S AMERICAN nearly as many debtors who wanted to file for bankruptcy and are eligible, but could not, because she could not afford it, the laws of the attorney's fees. These are borrowers who Justin Harelik, a bankruptcy attorney with Price Law in Los Angeles, call the "unofficial bankrupts - debtors who areto make all but bankrupt, but a lack of strong lawyers' price, their status official!

Annual number of bankruptcies SINCE 1998

Insolvency years ....... ....... Filings ......... Source & Notes
1998 ....... .......... 1.442543 AO data ......( Office of U.S. Courts)
1999 ....... ......... 1319465 AO data
2000 ....... ......... 1,253.444 AO data
2001 ....... ......... 1,492-129 AO data
2002 ....... 1577, AO 561 ........Data
2003 ....... ......... 1589383 AO data
2004 ....... ......... 1597462 AO data
2005 ....... 2078415 ......... ........ AO data includes number of entries before 2005 BKR. Legal
2006 ....... 590,544 ........... AACER data ... (automatic access to Court Records)
2007 ....... 826,665 ........... AA.CER Data
2008 ....... 1064000 ......... AACER Data

Even the lawyers AGREE WITH FEES her big a problem with DEBTORS

In fact, although many bankruptcy lawyers would be that they tendare shaded, many other lawyers who recognize objectively that the statutory attorneys' fees for bankruptcy most common question and concern for the debtors and customers in bankruptcy practice.

"They have to pay 7 Chapter lawyers in advance in cash. You can go too poor to be bankrupt," said Dr. Robert M. Lawless provided by the University of Illinois College of Law, once.

Another observer, Jenny C. McCune, an editor at, notes that, rather surprisingly, we have now come to the point where a debtor "funding may have filed bankruptcy," adding: "It may sound like a Catch-22 ... you have no money, so you for the application are bankrupt, but you have [legal fee] money, so you can file bankruptcy. "

Janathan Ginsburg, bankruptcy attorney, Atlanta, Ga., said that in telephone conversations that he frequently with callers, where severe financial crises that are thoughtfully possible> Bankruptcy, after their first question is often general in nature, "The next question I will do must of fees:" If I have no money, how should I pay for a lawyer? "

Bankruptcy lawyers, schooled in the art of argumentation and defense of the clearly not acceptable, especially if it focuses on the protection of a lucrative way to a lively, often fall into what are essentially before, really deep philosophical arguments to justifythe high fees that they are free - it is really still a "bargain" for borrowers, given the much larger sums of money they are in bankruptcy discharge if a debtor is "really" pushed hard enough by its debt burden and is difficult to liberate "themselves to from him, he will somehow find a way to a debtor, if he really "serious" is always the lawyer's fees from somewhere, we say, make the retention of the payments he would have been to other creditors and then using it to to pay lawyers to free him fromthe larger burden of debt, etc., etc. It is a complex web of arguments that would have to wait for another day to address. But for our immediate purposes of this current article, the relevant question is crystal clear. The point clearly is that for the average American today debtor already reeling from high debt burden, and the main object he is (from the attempt, through bankruptcy notification address is the average fee for bankruptcy lawyer about $ 2,000 or more forsimple Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and $ 4500 + for his counterparts in Chapter 13) is high, in fact, even exaggerated, and often it is simply beyond their means - in short, simply unaffordable.

Attorneys HAVE "PRICED OUT" A LOT of debtors

It appears that the bankruptcy lawyers are fueled by greed and monopolistic instincts gradually volumes from the personal bankruptcy filing companies that the only realistic alternative is trying to left, seems toa non-lawyer low-cost bankruptcy.

"Surveys have shown that many of their attorneys fees have doubled to cope with new requirements imposed on the BAPCPA of 2005,. Many thousands of debtors were represented by a lawyer, therefore, prices in its bankruptcy," says Stephen Elias, a California lawyer and bankruptcy specialist and author of several books on the subject. "Because of the rules governing the practice of law, the only legal alternative to... Is self-represented lawyer bankruptcy petition preparers to help with your paperwork. "

The point is then clear. The basic task at hand at this moment in the field of insolvency, is to develop a credible system is that low costs for the filing of the bankruptcy, is the simple, straighforwards and easily accessible, and above all affordable to the debtor, the legitimately seek or need to bankruptcy and are qualified andEntitled to file under the conditions of participation. It is, after all, that imposed no "gift" or a kind of "favor" by "the law", or some sort of charity-gooders peddling the legal establishment. But a direct gift of the Holy Law and the U.S. Constitution.

It is a task which we shall all be especially the constituency of bankruptcy and the bankruptcy of the industry leaders, who control the present bankruptcy system - the financial and banking industry,The courts, the Congress, but also private entrepreneurs and individuals who may come with new ideas or fresh ideas about how the current system to repair broken personal bankruptcy, and yes, the current bankruptcy lawyers and bar, and others.

But his interpretation of more immediacy and urgency, but in the meantime, while we expect such a new system by the responsible parties are qualified American entrepreneurs, institutions and organizations in a position to be free to comewith practical and effective ways and methods - alternatives to the current very poor and inadequately controlled, legal and bankruptcy system - which actually legitimate bankruptcy seekers to find their legitimate constitutional right to exercise the bankruptcy relief option, if and when required - just accessible and affordable. Must in sum, America, in both public and private sectors to prepare quick, develop and implement a drasticdifferent but effective bankruptcy filing system that the current million plus per year and the extra millions coming from bankruptcy filers who will be, as provided for in the bankruptcy filing pipeline per year, sign a really affordable means for them bankrupt - the 1 , 4 million U.S. filers (or more look) that is expected to discharge in bankruptcy in 2009 calendar year alone, and beyond.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

For reals?...seriously...

From a meeting on 29 September 2008. ... Karl Rove morality buyouts political debate show Obama McCain Palin Couric Bankruptcy Lawyer subprime scandal

Friday, October 16, 2009

California Deparment of Corporations and Franchise Opportunities Law

What CA needs to do to for matters Franchising

We should not allow more degradation of California through incessant over regulations in the franchising sector. No other sector of our economy provides as many jobs as franchising. Some people might say, retailing, finance more than half of all jobs including retail franchise. Well, there is a problem in the franchise community with the way the Department of Corporations is about the business. First, there are only 12Franchise registration states in the United States currently, compared to 14 two years ago. California is one of them, even by attorneys who are considered a living filling out forms, the higher one.

It is considered the most hostile by active franchisors as well, of which there are a total of only 2230 in the U.S., which franchises about 380,000 to an average of 15 employees. Not all of these franchisors provide businesses or franchises located in Canada, many displaced workersthere. The reason is the slow nature of the process at the Department of Enterprise and the hostile and perceived hostile bureaucracy of the Ministry and the anger and horror stories that are discussed in the industry. Spent 1 / 3 of all consumer dollars in the U.S. state of California goes through a franchise business. If businesses do not exist, then no one works there, no cities, the income from the sale of products taxes, there are no products to sell if no memory is available,no state income is earned, because nobody has a job to stay empty buildings and people who own their own business, remain unemployed or underemployed, and never a chance that a part of their "wish to pursue American Dream."

Less mean higher franchise prices franchisor for those who participate because of a lack of competition and to consumers or business less of a return on investment for business owners because of these prices. The Department of Corporations is probably toobe, so that the consumer does not insure that they higher prices for franchised businesses, pursue their American Dreams. You can then compounds with fewer choices for consumers and a slowing of the money flow / supply, which means less revenue for the state. The negative impact which has emerged from this section completely inexcusable and that is to be beautiful and gentile. All of this has arrived in Canada due to the doubling of the Federal Trade Commission laws in the California Franchise Registration andRenewal process.

Franchises are not like business opportunities, in which there is much fraud in franchising a long term relationship and is one of the lawyers who closely involved in the franchise area of the test. In other words, any franchisor trying to pull a fast for the consumer would have to deal with many private lawsuits and the subsequent FTC. But the Department of Corporations and unnecessary third category adds to the situation, which stifles free enterprise byslow processing of applications and renewals. Since the laws are slightly different, it is compounds the problems of the unity of the concept and thus hurts economies of scale, enjoy the franchisors and franchisees, so that saves them against the larger box type, the little guys crushing competitors . Little boys importance for small businesses, which 2 / 3 of the population employed in the state of California. Every time one of these franchisors is delayed in the application or renewal periodscosts the state money in tax revenue and Californian constituents in jobs, lower living standards, higher prices (artificial inflation), reduced choice and options in pursuing their "American Dream".

What regulate originally as a good idea to franchise companies on the DOC in California many years ago no longer needed because the private right of action in legal proceedings, lawyers who specialize in franchising industry and the Federal Trade Commissionmore than filled the gap. The pendulum when the DOC is to admit the equation by unnecessary duplication, additional administrative burden, time only compounds the issues for the slow recovery of the economy or our CA and of course, lost sales tax revenues of cities and income tax payments and fees to the great state of California. Recently on the ABA-American Bar Association for Franchising list is online "serve" is the franchise attorneys in our great nation, many of whomPractice law in California were the problems with franchise registration renewal and applications that are currently delayed for a seal of approval. The fees are not bad, given the market size of CA, $ 600.00, but the review is a real quote: "bitch". You quote me alone, the entire industry agrees, it is a universal truth, then how the perception of reality. And even if a few years, we have a rapid return of the application had other years, they have many months, that is a verymore frequently. With this poor business attitude few franchisors course look forward to the California market, regardless of their status as the seventh largest economy in the world, which apparently went to a few minds. The reality is that franchises are donors who among the largest group of economic inflow are not as think as you may, quite enthusiastic on the contrary. Many fear the day when their brands are so large that it is time to finally go to the CA marketplace.And please do not take it from me, ask about the franchise industry, the state is the worst place to do business as a franchise business? The state, by the waste of resources with the Federal Trade Commission, cutting off the hand that is feeding.

Remember, we are hurting 2230 companies which account for 1 / 3 of every dollar that goes through the hands of consumers, that is 33%. No other business format can compete with a Wal-Mart store to the field, without theincredible synergies and economies of scale, franchising provides. Wal-Mart by the way Nationwide only 10%. The consumers of California deserve a break, the franchising community is drowning in paperwork can the DOC this task is not fast enough and it all made it to the top is a complete duplication of rules? With the DOC's budget cuts will slow processing further if, in fact, if you can franchise department is closed at the DOC, you increase per year and millions of capitalInflows and jobs to the state and greater inflows of tax revenues into the city, county and state governments. This is not really a very tough decision, whether you cut it, there's no better place than the DOC franchising division. If you keep the rates so, maybe lower it to $ 400.00 per year for "franchise application (Application can be made online and will be taken or sent in registration fees by credit card if you need links for this assistance, would I mean volunteer web team withoutfree and have them) to run a week and have the franchise agreement donor to abide by the rules of the Federal Trade Commission on Franchising (this is done in both FL and TX, where no problems have been consulted), and observe the franchisor of this country to come and in the creation of enterprises for the unemployed, California's, to make use of $ 60,000-100,000 per year so they can pay income tax to the state, through the establishment of franchise companies and employs more people.

This franchise unitscreate by providing jobs, the sales tax for cities who tell me they are good use of it could be something now, even with the recent release of funds to them, black negroes. This is also the growth in commercial real estate tail, and fill some of the buildings that are empty, with warm bodies to make a living and pursue their dream. The average consumer in Canada lives in a house they put up to 3%, refinanced twice, driving an SUV they bought for zero / zero and tried to do for soccerfind out their 2.2 children and how they develop their effect all those credit cards and student loans for degrees that do not help them in the future. Surely you can the real problems and this simple solution. Our company has estimated that we could only 4,000 jobs in the U.S. state of California do in three years, but we have concentrated in 23 other states on this nation. Please respect the truth, we harm the business, I myself have worked hard all my life in order to build aBusiness and my part to strengthen our state and my country. Help me with the regulatory nightmare and I and all my fellow franchisors will help you resolve this problem. When I started my company at age 12, I was told that I am a part of the ten percent of California's, the self-employed workers that we were together 2 / 3 of the people and that I and my fellow entrepreneurs have been useful.

If so, then why do not we duplicate and layer all registrations, applications, forms, rules, etc.on the other, a clear and present message that California is all show and no go and that we do not believe in small companies or as entrepreneurs. If you continue this negative message and if that is true, then how can we believe? Would you please delete the franchise division of the Department of Corporations, as it an unnecessary division of that department. This can be reached as follows: 1). Save the taxpayers, 2.) help, economic growthCitizens through the use of 3). Generate tax revenues, my condition 4.) send a signal to the franchising and marketing that California means business Please help me, I can help them and they can help you and you can serve us, and we all can live together free , feed our families and enjoy everything that makes California the largest state in the country.

Signed, The Entrepreneur.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Crash Course: Chapter 13 - A National Failure to Save by Chris Martenson

a ruthless policy of the accumulation of debt that will save and invest in defiance to say something to Dr. Martenson that the U.S. is insolvent. Bankruptcy, which occurs when those liabilities exceed assets, is in the first step on the road to bankruptcy. ... Finance financial crisis, economic collapse economic crash course depression 1929 peak oil renewable energy exponential fiat currency money exchange gold silver inflation Iraq war ron bailout Bernanke chris Martenson...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fat Choi Spirit (嚦咕嚦咕新年財) - Part 9

Starring: Andy Lau, Louis Koo, Sean Lau Ching Wan, Gigi Leung, Cherrie Ying, Angela Tong ... Genres: Comedy 2002, Hong Kong Movies Cantonese Version Andy Lau Tak Wah as a "Mahjong Warrior", whose dependence on Mahjong caused eventual bankruptcy of his family. However, he succeeded to his game as he blessed by Wing Kei (Gigi Leung) rotation. Wing-Kei is a sweet girl who would do anything for Tak Wah, to the detriment of everyone who comes into her path. Tak-wah wants to marry, ...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Roubini: Worst Recession in 40 Years - P1

. The U.S. government needs to buy bank equity and force lenders to eliminate dividends to double-click to save it from bankruptcy, Roubini has. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said today he intends to use 250 billion U.S. dollars of taxpayers' money to threaten the equity in thousands of financial firms to purchase a credit crunch that the companies go into bankruptcy and eliminate jobs in its tracks. `` This is the first round of recapitalization of banks,''Roubini said. `` The government has ...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nationalization of GM--Good or Bad?

Why is not everybody happy about the government-orchestrated filing of bankruptcy by General Motors? Why is there serious concern about the nationalization of GM? Will the US government really play only a passive role? Commentators don't believe that that promise is credible. They are afraid, in light of President Obama's actions so far, that GM will become a pawn in his hands. ... recession depression Obama GM nationalization Bible

Saturday, October 10, 2009

California Motorcycle Accidents - How to Settle

Every state has a variety of arrangements for motorcycles. Some states have come with ways and means of partial responsibility for accidents, others are not. Some demand the wearing of helmets, while others leave the choice to riders. Equipment maintenance and inspection work arrangements are different, too. No matter where you are, in the case of a motorcycle accident, it is worth your time to find a lawyer who specializes in motorcycle statutes.

While some victims try their sloughWay through the sea of bureaucracy as such, it is not always the wisest action after an accident. Firstly, there is a limit to the time when you can make a claim, and if you miss it, you can not do anything. Second, a motorcycle lawyer employed statistically increases the chance of a higher settlement. Face it, understand the legal system. You know to use the tactics of insurance companies and fellow lawyers to successful settlements to avoid. For example, it is notconsidered unusual for them to use prejudice against motorcyclists when, in a case.

Motorcycle lawyers are knowledgeable to know in these cases and, more reasons for the demand for higher settlements. Perhaps you only pay for medical bills and motorcycle repair. An experienced attorney, however, is to seek damages for things you probably never thought how the loss of future wage-earning capacity and pain and suffering. You could fight with insurance companies for monthlittle success and run around a lot, but a lawyer with a 98.7% success rate settlement is to handle the matter and efficiently! This trust is by a promise that no fees are due until a solution is assured, achieved.

Why in your misery after a motorcycle accident California? Instead of plodding through the settlement process itself, why not questions about a professional? They worry about healing and cycling that again and again on the road! Leave the insurance andlegal trouble for a first-class motorcycle lawyer.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Five Star interview on ...

TV program with clips from the 80s mixed with interviews from the year 2003. Cars, music, bankruptcy, newspaper allegations. With Stedman, Doris, Lorraine, and Buster (Dad) Pearson. 5 Stars ... Five-star 80s eighties 1980s denise doris Eric Dolphy

Thursday, October 8, 2009


MITSUBISHI GALANTSalt Lake City, UT (877) 569-2665 for more information about this vehicle and our full inventory, please call Group Sales at (877) 569-2665. Low Book Sales 3371 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84,115 Do not miss this 2007 Mitsubishi. Make a large selection today with this must-have car. Learn more about the car by contacting the dealer today and complete your driving dreams. ... 2007 Mitsubishi Galant Low Book Sales Utah, Salt Lake City Car Dealer Loan Bad Credit Divorce Bankruptcy ...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In-Depth Look - The Bankruptcy Question - Bloomberg

Interview and discussion with Harvey Miller of Weil, Global & Manges. He talks about the Chrysler bankruptcy. (Bloomberg News)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Common Debts That Are Discharged by Bankruptcy

Under the Federal Bankruptcy Code individual consumers to discharge debts in bankruptcy, which allows them to start anew. Petition in bankruptcy brought about remain the "automatic." The automatic stay immediately stops your creditors from attempting to collect what you owe to them. If you register under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, many of your debts will be canceled without repayment. Could in turn, you have to forego some of your nonexempt property.Property that is tax exempt and will not be waived would be motor vehicles, clothing, household pension and life insurance. The entire process takes about three to six months, and most often requires only one trip to the courthouse.

Joint debts are discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy are:
(1) credit card debt, (2) Utility [telephone, gas and electric service] debt, (3) debts for professional services [doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants], (4)Anticipated losses on uncompleted contracts and leases (5), department stores and catalog fees, (6) Personal loans (7) and federal tax liability.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows that person to repay a portion of their debt with court supervision, within three to five years. Chapter 13, you can arrange your finances, repay a portion of the debt and sat down again on your financial feet. Under a typical plan, that the monthly payments to a bankruptcy trustee, , Who appointed by the bankruptcy court to oversee your case. The bankruptcy trustee distributes the money to your creditors.

The most common reasons for filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy are:
(1) The debtor is behind on his mortgage or car loan and wants to make up the missed payments over time and again the original agreement, (2) The debtor has valuable nonexempt property, (3) The debtor is not eligible for a discharge under Chapter 7[> Bankrupt the debtor has a prior Chapter 7 bankruptcy within the past 6 years brought], (4) The debtor has one or more substantial debts that are not dischargeable under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but will be dischargeable [certain tax credits under Chapter 13 bankruptcy claims], (5) The debtor has a sincere desire to do to repay his debts, but needs the protection of the bankruptcy court to do so.

In many cases, bankruptcy of the debtor is a free federal,state or local tax bill that the bankruptcy is filed schedules included with the petition. Our company specializes in meeting the income tax, property tax, payroll withholding and employer employment taxes, sales tax, business tax and employee benefits in bankruptcy.

If you want to attend a meeting to arrange to discuss these issues in detail, please call us and we look forward to the best plan to discuss achieving your goals.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Commonly Asked Questions of an Elder Law Attorney - Part I

Many of the questions that are asked of me to be repeated quite often, so I thought it would be helpful for the older law issues in the next few articles to discuss.

I want to leave my fortune, my children, but there is a possibility that the assets of a future divorce or creditors to protect my child? Money left to children can disappear for a variety of reasons - divorce, bankruptcy, litigation or bad investments, to name a few. One way to protect the family money, isthe use of a trust.

Mary and John have four grown children, all with varying degrees of financial success. Dennis, who has the oldest and most successful financially, no need for financial assistance from his parents. Judy, next in line, unfortunately, been through a terrible divorce and fighting for her son on his own to raise. Paula and Frank are both married but their marriages have had their ups and downs. Paula's husband was aware of their limited resources to invest, notget-rich-quick schemes. Frank has just borrowed a lot of money to start his own dental practice.

Parents never stop worrying about their children, and Mary and John are no exception. It's about more divorces, worried about whether Judy will have enough money, whether Frank is thriving-business, or whether he will be sued by a patient. They are also concerned that it has enough money for their grandchildren.

So what can Mary and John do to make sure what assets theyleave actually helps their children and grandchildren? The answer is to use a trust in their estate planning. Trusts after the death of parents by the children's lives and resume, if the grantor chooses, during the term and the grandchildren. The funds are for the benefit of the children and grandchildren, but limits are placed on access to the Trust Fund. The assets are there when needed, but can not be spent on a whim. This restriction provides the necessaryProtection.

The funds are protected from the confidence of creditors in the event of insolvency. As the creditor, the plaintiff in proceedings can not be trusted until the. Funds left for the benefit of Frank will not be available if he ever sued for dental malpractice. In addition, the funds are not considered marital system in case of divorce. A properly prepared trust your family's protection from creditors, the liability of the plaintiff and a future divorce.

An independent trustee can protect themselves confidenceRecipients of bad decisions, whether it is foolhardy to risky investments or expenses. While parents do not protect their children from bad luck, they can create a cushion for them, if it occurs. Some beneficiaries of trust property not under the complete control and access to the fund. This is a trade-off. Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages? You will have to decide what is best for your situation.

I have a disabled child. How can I best provide for their future well-being? One of thethe main concerns for parents with children with disabilities, as they give their financial future. Here are some legal guidelines are observed:

Buy enough life insurance. A parent is irreplaceable, but someone has to fill in all likelihood that a person or family must be for at least some services provided for the parent, if able. If the property is not large enough for this purpose, it can be made large enough to go through life. Premiums forsecond-to-die insurance, which pays off only when the second of the two parents passes away, can be surprisingly low.

Set up a Special Needs Trust. Any funds left for a disabled child, whether from an estate or the proceeds of a life insurance policy, should be held in trust for his or her benefit. Leaving money for anyone with a disability jeopardizes public benefits. Many people with disabilities cannot manage funds, especially large amounts. Some families disinherit disabled children, relying on their siblings to care for them. This approach is fraught with potential problems. Siblings can be sued, get divorced, disagree on their responsibilities, or use the funds for their own benefit. It can also cause tax problems for siblings. The best approach is setting up a trust fund set aside for the disabled child, known as a Special Needs Trust.

Prepare a Will and include the appointment of a Guardian. While a Will and the appointment of a guardian is important for anyone with minor children, it is doubly so if the child is disabled. Finding the right guardian can be difficult. In some cases, the care of the child is so demanding that he or she will need a different guardian from his siblings. The parents must make these decisions, while they can.

Have a care plan. All parents care for disabled children to write down what any successor caregivers must be aware of the child, and what the wishes of the parents would have for hiscare. For example, the child should be in a group home, living with a sibling or on its own? Normally, the parents know best, but they need to disclose the information. Can you explain what helps, what hurts, what scares you, their children and what they insured.

Consultation with other family members. Even a carefully developed plan can be from a well-meaning relative who leaves money directly undermines the child with a disability. If a special needs trust is created for the benefitthe child's grandparents and other family members should be told about it so that it provided a legacy they wish to leave the child trust through direct.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

McCain: Fundamentals of Economy Are Strong

In a day of buyouts and bankruptcy on Wall Street, McCain said again the fundamentals of the economy are strong. ... McCain Economic tpmtv

Friday, October 2, 2009


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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix's Worst Performance Ever

Phoenix on Lettermen ... more TV and movies here. ... "Joaquin Phoenix" Jaoquin Phoenix Jaoquin Pheonix "Joaquin Phoenix", "David Lettermen" Phoenix on Lettermen "

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

LEHMAN BROTHERS SIPHON $8B: Another BCC Pricewaterhouse Coopers Bankruptcy of History $613B Debt let at $1.54B to Barclays. Is it the same Bush-Pelosi-Paulson $700B Bailout to pay Lehman Indirectly? Otto Liman Von Sanders must be Masturbating in his Grave

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Dave Ramsey on How to be Financially Successful

Extra content from the documentary "Out of radio financial guru Dave Ramsey," Tough Love "man in the vein of Dr. Phil, who teaches in this video, how to get out of debt and accumulate wealth - Maxed simple and elegant. Watch this repeatedly to burn the ideas in your brain. ... Finance Debt Credit Bankruptcy responsibility Wealth Dave Ramsey

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Commercial Tenant Bankruptcy? What Now?

Lately I'm like the Chinese curse, that the listener "recalls interesting times," and the dynamics of desperate tenants with credit lines and inventory / equipment capital, and the frantic owner, a mortgage has been interesting, in fact, in the past time. Seems like tenants inability to its commercial lease obligations are not met, a recurring issue. So, what the parties have considered?

If a tenant can not convince their landlord of their lease obligations in releaseeconomically difficult times, then it can just before the sad path of bankruptcy. Consequently, landlords and tenants need to remember to check the documentation to the status of guarantees. If the payer does not guarantee the tenant, or if only one spouse signed a separation agreement should be approved, there can be no reason to file bankruptcy relief.

Recall that a guarantee signed by a spouse binding only on the separate property of the signing spouse, not the individualNot to sign the property of the spouses, nor to the () unsigned undivided interest of the spouse in the community property of the Arizona-based guarantor. (The same applies if the guarantor principal is a resident in California, Washington and several other western states have.) Many communities little marriage separate property, which is accessible through the execution of judgments.

If there is no effective guarantee of the tenants have little incentive to file for bankruptcy, but if the tenantwould like some important equipment or inventory to protect from execution or seizure and sale under lien) an owner (or liens or interests of other parties [see below], then bankruptcy may be in order.

What should the owner, if it reasonably certain that a bankruptcy is imminent? Before answering this question, how best to read, then the landlord to the tenant who claims that he intends to do so? There are some behaviors that a receiver signal can be expected.At the conclusion of the premises ( "going dark") or, if the owners say they have the locks after a monetary default by a tenant usually a good sign of a threat of bankruptcy, except in cases where a tenant all their goods moved and has changed by more than one location-in this case, closure can only point of reference for the consolidation of holdings or services. Transfer of the owner a business card from the office of a bankruptcy attorney cananother indication of impending action. The seizure of the tenant's inventory, equipment or facilities to trade in a secured lender or equipment lessor is a sign that the submission is very likely. Another tenant is the announcement of a severe restriction of operating hours or to reduce personnel to a level well below the usual complement of staff in the workplace.

While the tenant lockout (once available as a landlord to fix) are without effect termination of the tenancy the tenant to make, receiverent to back CAMs or other lease amounts if the money is available, they are useless if the tenant can not capture the delinquency (s) in the implementation of the rental and a bankruptcy appears inevitable. If it gets no reasonable hope for the tenant's obligations, the landlord's appeal carefully the section of the lease. Upon the termination is an option, without notice to the tenant, the landlord has the option of termination of tenancy by notice to the tenant of the Summary ViewTermination.

The automatic stay of bankruptcy under § 361 of the Code shall not apply where a landlord if the asset is not property of the bankrupt estate. The landlord breaks the lease right before the date of filing of the bankruptcy, landlord ends the risk that consume the tenant to (assumed to be 120 days with no compensation for owners in the meantime - and to assume or assign) or reject the lease in bankruptcy, if the tenant isReorganization under Chapter 11 (Of course, in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee in control of the premises before making a decision about whether the lease is in the case makes a liquidation value, an unlikely circumstance in the vast majority of bankruptcy filings. Even in the current financial environment, it would be rare indeed for a Chapter 11 debtor in a position to apply to an assignee of the lease obligations, unless it was in connection with the sale of operationsBusiness.)

Consequently, the landlord must comply with the bankruptcy notice against fire "silver bullet" when it appears likely that the tenants will soon be before a federal court to defeat the introduction of the automatic stay? Well, not always. The landlord has some things in the decision matrix. How long the tenant can hold before the filing for bankruptcy? For more from the date of termination, the lessor can not recover future rent through the planned endDate of the lease, it is a recovery of the delinquent rent and other charges shall be limited before the date of filing of the tenant. , The lease early, the cost of the rental potential rent payments for a certain period.

Another aspect is that competing claims to the non-leasehold property of the tenant. It is conventional equipment lessors or lenders with a perfected security interests in certain assets (or the FDIC if the lender has against insolvency), or theSBA, which guarantees a business loan and took a security interest or a franchisor or analog asset provider. Another factor is: If the tenant parked remove all personal items from the premises of the lessor or much of it not remain on the premises, even if the tenant "after dark?" In addition, there must be a review of the lease file to see if the owner has signed a subordination of its statutory lien position against the personal property. Or-wait-is it matter,With the dissolution of the lease was terminated by the landlord? Recall that if the lease is finished, there is no landlord-tenant relationship, and in this case, as it can be a "landlord" lien law? If a former owner landlord waived their status, there goes the lien.

The last situation is a dilemma for the owner. If it has the lease before the property is terminated the tenant finally eliminated the automatic stay of the lessor impact options for achieving theCommercial devices. While it may be a landlord to provide administrative requirement in Chapter 11 for the current premises of the property layout after login to the storage that is not much to do position the premises for re-letting.

Thus, the landlord's lease, reciting happy to carry out that (a) upon termination of the tenancy, the tenant's property is still within the premises as the tenant, and (b) that this "convention would be abandoned to survive" termination ofLease? If the landlord is not so well positioned, then the landlord is to consider the course of the following behavior:

- Research, whether it backed other parties with a status of the owner, lessor or party with respect to personal property;
- Decide to resolve whether the lease before bankruptcy;
- A high-quality camera is moving or still, take a photographic inventory of all property of the tenant (within the premises this will avoid liability in the facefuture allegations of theft, destruction or damage to property or personal effects of the tenant's employees of the tenant);
- If the landlord has decided to cancel the lease and there is more space available to the landlord's strategic move, the personal property of the terminated tenant, the more beneficial situation carefully and minimize damage or loss to the property. Re-video personal property after the move is complete, documented the state of stocks.

MyCustomers complain about this responsibility for the remaining tenant of personal property more frequently than any other aspect of the bankruptcy (other than a tenant can not be allowed to use it primarily for it to live its business). First, they believe that the ipso facto principle "simply wrong", so they should not be for every dimension of the future tenants responsible because the lease provides that a bankruptcy of a standard material and the tenants and their clients isdeserve everything they get from the date of the application submitted. Second, there is a considerable gap between the separate notion that the owner has the right to terminate lease before the bankruptcy filing, but not to the tenant the property within the next dumpster or on the sidewalk with a "free stuff Throw themselves" in characters at the top of the heap. Of course, that ignores the possibility that there are other actors in possession of the land besides the fact that there maybe some recovery to the landlord of an administrative claim. And above all, ignored the reality that ignore the termination of the real right of the landlord tenant not separate license for the automatic stay of the Code in relation to other debtors assets in the leased premises.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Free Minds TV October 17, 2008 (EP 81)

Shown this week is Iceland on the brink of bankruptcy when the U.S. Debt Clock is 10 trillion dollars. Also, the TSA can not pursue their own uniforms, badges, cards, and security, freedom, and some local activists took over and illegally searched by the police, and the Downsize Dispatch. ... free minds tv inflation Iceland economic gold standard police national debt clock 10 trillion U.S. dollars libertarian news nh

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let the Lawsuits Begin - Banks Brace For a Storm of Litigation

Suggested in an article in The San Francisco Chronicle in December 2007, attorney Sean Olender, that the real reason for the subprime bailout measures by the U.S. Treasury Department is proposed, was not to keep strapped borrowers in their homes as much as to prevent a flood of any action against the banks. The plan then on the table was an interest rate freeze on a limited number of subprime loans. Olender wrote:

"The only goal for the freeze to prevent the owner of mortgages that supportsSecurities, forcing many of them foreigners, from suing U.S. banks and to buy back worthless mortgage securities at face value - now almost 10 times their market worth. The ticking time bomb in the U.S. banking system does not reset subprime rates. The real problem is the contractual ability of investors in mortgage bonds to require banks to buy back the bonds at par, if fraud in the origination process.

"... The catastrophic consequences of bondForcing investors to buy back loans at face value authors have discussed the current media. The loans in question dwarf the available capital at the largest U.S. banks combined, and investor actions would raise stunning liability sufficient to mean that even the biggest U.S. banks to fail, resulting in massive taxpayer-funded bailouts of Fannie and Freddie, and even FDIC. . . .

"What would be prudent and logical is for the banks that this toxic waste to the buyback and for a saleMany people in jail. If they knew about the fraud, they should buy the bonds back. "1

The thought could send a chill through even the most powerful investment bankers, including Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson himself, who was chairman of Goldman Sachs during the heyday of toxic subprime paper letter from 2004 to 2006. Mortgage fraud was not limited to the representations to lend to borrowers or documents, but in the construction of the banks 'financial products'themselves. Among other design flaws is that securitized mortgage debt has become so complex that the ownership of the underlying security was often lost in the shuffle and without a rightful owner, there is no one with standing to foreclose. That the procedural requirements problem prompted Federal District Judge Christopher Boyko to rule in October 2007 that the German bank had no authority, on 14 Mortgage loans held in trust for a pool of mortgage-backed securities holders.2 If foreclose was greatNumber of defaulting homeowners should lacked their foreclosures on the ground that the plaintiffs had sued to contest, trillions of dollars in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) could be at risk. Irate securities holders might then respond with litigation that could indeed threaten the existence of the banking Goliaths.


Bring MBS investors with the power of the most important processes are state and local governments, which hold substantial parts of theirAssets in MBS and similar investments. A harbinger of things to come was a complaint to 1 Filed in February 2008, sold by the state of Massachusetts against investment bank Merrill Lynch, for fraud and deception for about $ 14 million worth of subprime securities to the City of Springfield. The complaint about the sale of "certain esoteric financial instruments known as collateralized debt obligations (concentrated )..., The CDOs were unsuitable for the city and that within monthsafter the sale, became illiquid and lost almost all their value. "3

A month earlier, the city of Baltimore sued Wells Fargo Bank for damages resulting from the subprime debacle, alleging that Wells Fargo had intentionally discriminated in selling high-interest mortgages more frequently to blacks than whites, in violation of federal law law.4

Another innovative suit filed in January 2008 will be published by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson against 21 major investment banks, so that theSubprime lending and foreclosure crisis in his city. The suit targeted the investment banks that fed off the mortgage market by buying subprime mortgages from lenders and then "securitized" them and sell them to investors. City officials said they hoped to recover hundreds of millions of dollars in damages from the banks, including lost taxes from devalued property and money demolition of thousands of abandoned houses and catering. The defendants included German bank giantBank, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citigroup. They were charged with creating a "public nuisance" by irresponsibly buying and selling of high-interest home loans, which defaults that depleted the city tax base and leftist district to rubble.

"For me, this is nothing more than organized crime and drugs," Jackson told the newspaper the Cleveland Plain Dealer. "It has the same effect as drug activity in neighborhoods. It is a form of organizedCrime, which happens to be legal in many respects. "He added, in a videotaped interview:" This process said: "Surely you do not like this no more for us." 5

The Plain Dealer also interviewed Ohio Attorney General Marc Then, a condition that the trial of some of the investment bank is considering. "There is clearly a wrong," he said, "and the source of Wall Street. I'm glad that some companies have on my hunt."

However, something strange happened on the way to the courthouse. AsNew York Governor Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General, then wound up his post in May 2008 after a sexual harassment investigation in his office.6 Before they were forced to resign, both prosecutors read into the tail of the banks, trying to impose liability for the destructive wave of home foreclosures in their jurisdictions.

But the hits keep on coming. In June 2008 California Attorney General Jerry Brown Countrywide Financial Corporation, the nation suedlargest mortgage lender, for causing thousands of foreclosures by deceptively marketing risky loans to borrowers of credit. Among other things, alleged the 46-page complaint that:

'Viewed' the defendant borrowers nothing more than tools for producing more loans, originating loans with little or no regard for long-term borrowers ability to maintain it and make home ownership ...

"The company routinely ..." Shut one eye 'to deceptive practices by brokers and private loansAgents despite 'numerous complaints from borrowers claiming that they did not understand their loan terms.

"... Underwriters who confirmed information on mortgage applications were 'under pressure ... For processing 60 to 70 loans per day, so careful examination of the financial situation of the borrower and the adequacy of the loan product for them nearly impossible. "

"Countrywide's high-pressure sales environment and compensation system encouraged serial refinancingof Countrywide loans. "7

Similar complaints were filed against Countrywide and CEO of the Illinois and Florida. These suits seek not only damages but cancellation of the loans, creating a potential nightmare for the banks.

An avalanche of class action lawsuits?

Massive class action lawsuits by defrauded borrowers may also in the works. In one case, 2007 in Wisconsin, which is now held in his appeal, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman, that Chevy Chase Bank had violated the Truthin Lending Act by hiding the terms of a variable-rate loans, and thousands of other Chevy Chase borrowers could join the plaintiffs a class action on that ground. According to a 30th June 2008 report in Reuters:

"The judge transformed the case from a run-of-the-mill class action to a potential nightmare for the U.S. banking industry by also finding that the borrowers of the bank to cancel, or could force from their loans. This decision was stayed pending an appeal to the 7thU.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that are likely to rule every day.

"The idea of the cancellation charge loans come in a flood of foreclosures has been caught in other districts, an action filed last week by the Illinois attorney general asks a court to waive or Countrywide Financial mortgage under" unfair or deceptive practices caused to be reformed. "

"... The mortgage banking industry already faces pressure from federal and state regulators to reduce the banks' underwriting defendantsStandards and forcing some borrowers, through fraud, into costly adjustable loans that the banks later bundled and sold as high-yield investments. "

Truth in Lending Act (TILA) is a 1968 federal law, consumers against lending fraud by requiring clear disclosure of loan terms and costs to protect. It lets consumers seek rescission or termination of a loan and the return of all interest and fees, if we find a lender to be in violation. The beauty of the Constitution saysCalifornia bankruptcy attorney Cathy Moran, is that it provides for strict liability: the aggrieved borrowers do not have to prove that they personally defrauded or misled, or that he is the real harm. The mere fact that the data contained defective gives them the right to rescind and deprives the lenders of interest. In small sample of Moran's review, at least half of the loans contained violations.8 When TILA class actions found to stand for cancellation of loans availableis based on fraud in the disclosure process, could the result of a flood of class suits against banks all over the country.9


Withdrawal can be a means available, not only for borrowers, but for MBS investors. Many loan sale contracts provide that the lender must withdraw its terms loans that default unusually quickly or that contain errors or fraud. An avalanche of cancellations could be disastrous for the banks. Banks were moving loans from theirBooks and sell them to investors so that many more loans than would otherwise have been allowed under banking regulations. The banks are complex, but for every dollar of shareholder of a bank has on its balance sheet, it should be limited to about $ 10 in the form of loans. The problem for banks is that when the process is reversed, the 10-1 rule can work the others: in one U.S. dollars of bad debt back on books of a bank lending through its ability to reduceFactor of 10 As mentioned in a BBC News story citing Prof. Nouriel Roubini for authority:

"Help prevent [S] ecuritisation to banks to 10:1 The Regulators" rule is the key. To their risky loans have potential buyers will be more attractive, banks used complex financial engineering to re-pack them so they looked super-secure and well paid are more than what offered equivalent super-safe investments. Banks also found ways to get loans from their balance sheets without selling them altogether. It develops bizarreNew financial firms - "Special Investment Vehicles or SIV - in which loans could be held technically and legally not in stock, out of sight and beyond the scope of the rules of regulatory authorities. So, once again, SIVs made room on the balance sheets of banks in to take the credit.

Have "The banks were getting round the rules of regulatory authorities by selling their risky loans, but because so many of the securitized loans were bought by other banks, the losses were still inside the banking system. Loans instead of SIVwere technically on the balance sheets of banks, but if the start value of the loans in SIVs, collapse, the banks that set them in establishing that they are still responsible for them. So losses from investments which might not have the scope of 10:1, the supervisors' rule began to turn, suddenly, up on bank balance sheets.... The problem now facing many of the largest contributors to that, when losses appear on the balance sheets of banks, the regulator typically 10:1 comes into play againTo reduce losses, because a shareholder of the bank capital. "If you have a $ 200 billion loss that reduced your capital by $ 200 billion, you have to credit the [reduction by 10 times as much," Prof. Roubini] explains. "It could be a reduction in the total credit granted to the economy of two trillion U.S. dollars to have." 10

You can also have some very bankrupt banks. The equity of the top 100 U.S. banks stood at 800 billion U.S. dollars at the end of the third quarter of 2007. Banking losses are currently expected that, as with the risemuch as 450 billion U.S. dollars, enough to erase more than half of the banks' capital bases and leave many of them, if insolvent.11-backed debt to flood the courts with viable defenses, their debt and mortgage securities holders had their securities Challenge could be the result even worse.


So what would happen if the mega-banks with which these irresponsible practices actually went bankrupt? These banks are becoming widely recognized byGuilt, but they expect to be rescued by the Federal Reserve or the taxpayers, because they are "too big to fail." The argument is that if they were allowed to collapse, it would promote the economy. That is the fear, but it's not really true. We need a ready source of credit, so we need banks, but we do not need private banks. It is a little-known, well-hidden, that the banks are not lending their own money or not even the money of their depositors. You actually create the money theygiving and the creation of money is actually a public, not a private function. The Constitution delegates the power to create money to Congress and only Congress.12 For loans, banks are extending credit, and just the right agency for extending "the full confidence and prestige of the United States" means the United States is .

There is more at stake than just the fair treatment of injured homeowners and investors in mortgage-backed securities. Banks and investment houses are nowbrings you the last drop of blood from lending the U.S. government's rating, "borrowing money and unloading worthless paper on the government and taxpayers. When the dust settles, it will be banks, investment brokers and hedge funds for wealthy Investors who want to save. The repossessed will be expropriated, and unless your pension fund has invested in politically well-connected hedge funds, you can probably kiss goodbye, as teachers in Florida already have.

ButBanking genius is a creature of the law and the law can it back into the bottle. The imminent collapse of very large banks, the government was able to obtain the ability to take control of their finances. More than that, it could provide the means to prevent the otherwise unsolvable problems now threatening to destroy our standard of living and our standing in the world. The only solution that will be more than a temporary solution, the power to create money to take away from privateBankers and sends it along to people. So it has been on the whole should be, and how it was in our early history, but we are so used to the banks to private firms, we forget that the public banks of our forebears. The best of the colonial American banking models was developed in the province of Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, where a state-owned bank issued money and lent it to farmers at 5 percent interest. The interest was for the government, rather than backTaxes. In the decades that that system was in operation, the province of Pennsylvania operated without taxes, inflation or debt.

Instead of the established rescue plan for failed banks and send them happily on their way to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) must be a close look at books of the banks and the banks put that into insolvent liquidation. The FDIC (unlike the Federal Reserve) is actually a federal agency, and it has the possibility to have in a bank in return forYou exhaust it out, effectively nationalizing it. This is done in Europe with bankrupt banks, and it was conducted in the United States with Continental Illinois, the country's fourth-largest bank when it went bankrupt in the 1990s.

A system of truly "national" banks could issue "the full confidence and prestige of the United States" for public purposes, could also be used, including the financing of infrastructure, sustainable energy development and health care.13 Publicly issued credit to the subprime relieveCrisis. Local governments can use to buy up mortgages in default, compensating the MBS investors, freeing the real estate industry and to public life management. The properties can then be rented back to their occupants at reasonable prices so that people in their homes without the windfall of acquiring a house without paying for it. A program of lease-purchase may also be initiated. The proceeds would be used to repay the loan, Advanced to buy the mortgages, balancing the money supply andPrevent inflation.

Municipal and private SOLUTIONS

While we wait for the federal government, there are also private and local possibilities for relieving the subprime crisis to act. Chris Cook is a British strategic market consultant and the former Compliance Director for the International Petroleum Exchange. He recommends that all parties to pay constituted by the formation of a pool as an LLC (limited liability company), within a partnership framework that brings togetherOccupiers and financiers as co-owners under a neutral custodian. The original owners would pay an affordable rent, and the resulting pool of rentals would be "modularized" (unit interests, similar to a REIT or Real Estate Investment Trust) is divided. Among other advantages over the usual mortgage-backed securities, there would be no loans at interest because the property would be in sole possession of the LLC include. Eliminating interest substantially reduces costs. The former owners would be able tooccupy the property at an affordable rent, with option to buy a stake in it. For banks, the advantage would be that they see the situation return to investors since the risk would have been taken to insure the investment that would have full occupancy by at affordable prices, and for the investors, the advantage of a safe investment with a reliable return.14

Carolyn Betts is an Ohio attorney who served in Washington as a consultant issuers of MBS trusts, which for variousfederal government and represented Resolution Trust Corporation in its auction of defaulted commercial mortgage loans during the last housing crisis. She proposes a squeeze play by the States in the way against the tobacco companies by a consortium of public prosecutors in the 1990s. It notes that given at the end of the year 2007 by at least 20% of the funds by the transfer to the Ohio Public Employees' System (PERS) were in mortgage backed securities andsimilar investments. Ohio, that makes public money a major investor in these mortgage-backed securities. Ohio governments have an interest in that property to be excluded, since foreclosures help destroy local real estate markets, to lower tax revenues and losses on PERS investments and become a burden on the state and local affordable housing systems. A coordinated series of actions brought by state attorneys could eliminate the culpable banker middlemen and the return ofProperties, the ownership and control of local actors.

Andrew Jackson allegedly told Congress in 1829: "If the American people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." A wave of private actions, class actions and government actions to eliminate harmful practices of banks to serve, could represent a revolution in banking spark back the power to advance "the full confidence and prestige of the United States" in the United States andReturn assets to community ownership and control.

1 Sean Olender, "Mortgage Meltdown," San Francisco Chronicle (December 9, 2007).

2 See Ellen Brown, "The Subprime Trump" / articles, 26 June 2008.

3 Greg Morcroft, "Massachusetts charges Merrill with fraud," (February 1, 2008).

4 Henry Gomez, Tom Ott, "Cleveland Sues 21 banks over subprime-Mess," The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, January 11, 2008).

5 Ibid.

6 Marc then resignsas Attorney General ", NBC24 (May 14, 2008).

7 E. Scott Reckard, "California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown Sues Countrywide," Los Angeles Times (June 26, 2008).

8 Cathy Moran, "And the truth (in lending) shall make you free", (June 11, 2008).

9 Gina Keating, "Mortgage Decision could shock U.S. banking industry," Financial Times Germany (June 30, 2008).

10 Michael Robinson, "City of debt shows U.S. housing woe," BBC News (December 30, 2007).

11 "is the latestLiquidity crunch in remission? "NakedCapitalism (26 March 2008).

12 See E. Brown, "Dollar Deception: How Banks Secretly Create Money," / articles (July 3, 2007).

13 Further information on these funds solution and why it does not inflate prices, see E. Brown, "Waking Up on Minnesota Bridge: How is the infrastructure crisis without selling out our national resources to solve," ibid. (August 4, 2007).

14 Chris Cook, "Peak credit and a flight to simplicity," Asia Times (April 3,2008).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2001 Chevrolet Silverado and other C/K1500 in Shoreline, WA

Philosophy, which always more than competitive in this huge market. great cars, good values, what will you ask for? EASY INSTANT FINANCING BUY HERE! PAY HERE! Bad credit? NO PROBLEM! EVERYBODY RIDES AT INDEPENDENCE cars! REPOS, judgments, LIENS, medical bills, late payments for children and PAST Bankruptcy - NO PROBLEM! NOT THE FIRST TIME BUYER WITH CREDIT CARDS - no problem ... Auto Chevrolet Silverado other C/K1500 2001 01 Independence Auto Sales Shoreline WA 98133 Washington Edmonds Lynnwood...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Great Bankruptcy of the United States of America

The Great Bankruptcy of the United States: America is now run as a disaster. We have politicians who do not see more than the next election, elit bloodsuckers and businessmen, the Trumpler all ethical and moral values and sleepwalking man with a strong enough shoulder to shoulder them. The country is now catastrophic in a swirl.

Monday, September 21, 2009

How Chase Manhattan and Ocwen stole my home

Chase and Ocwen steal my home of twenty-six years. ... Chase Manhattan, Ocwen Bankruptcy violation of the 11 USC 362 mortgage collapse of the right to a fair public hearing procedures Jamie Dimon injuries automatic stay injustice

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Economic Collapse 3.0 - It's a Fire Sale

GM-Chrysler Bailout? The third part - I'm furious! ************************** FeverIam channel: Do not Panic! Good News! The worst is over! Chrysler Makes a GM bankruptcy Harder (Google the title) Chrysler, GM in Detroit Bankruptcy Looming Favorite Channels ********* ****** ** anutarasamyat: FeverIam: QuietBuck: Earthlasthope: Playlist: ...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

ZEITGEIST ADDENDUM Parte 7 (Sub Italiano) 2008

Zeitgeist Addendum Parte 7 (Sub Italiano) 2008 ... Zeitgeist Bankruptcy Bancarotta Banche FED Banca Italia Economia Dollar Euro Money Denaro 1929 2008 Lehman Brothers U.S. Barack Obama McCain Palin

Friday, September 18, 2009

Debt Consolidation Or Filing Bankruptcy - Which is Better?

One of the most frequently asked questions bankruptcy attorneys will be asked by potential clients whether they need to file for bankruptcy, or use a debt consolidation company to make payments on their debts. For those debtors who needs luck to qualify for Chapter 7 (which does not repay the debt, but in most cases allows for the termination of all dischargeable debts), the decision is much easier to make. But what about those who have the ability to have to make some monthly paymentstheir creditors and do not qualify for Chapter 7?

They are used primarily in many cases, the bankruptcy option is Chapter 13, which allows a rule, a partial repayment of debt. Armed with this choice, most people decide that debt consolidation, rather than the filing of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your best solution. However, this is almost never true. In Chapter 13, the amount you have to your creditors must be repaid almost always less than (or, at worst, equal) towhat you have to report outside of bankruptcy. This is true even if you are asked to repay 100% of your debts in a Chapter 13 case. Depending on various factors - above all, your income and expenses - you can have a discharge of your debts in a Chapter 13 case, the recovery of 0% to 100% of unsecured debt for 36-60 months.

Why is it better to 100% recovery in a Chapter 13 rather than debt consolidation? Because you do not have to pay for interest accrualunsecured debt in Chapter 13 Even under the best consolidation typically out of bankruptcy, it will be paid interest. Even in your Chapter 13 repayment plan for a maximum of 60 months (and in many cases as little as 36 months).

This may over time be significantly less than one paid result in a debt consolidation agreement to pay. So if you are in a position where you can have too many assets or income to qualify a Chapter 7Case, however, problems in managing your monthly payments on your credit cards or other unsecured debts, you should consult with a bankruptcy attorney about the possibility of registering a chapter 13th You may very well be able to pay off all unsecured debts with affordable monthly payments in less than 5 years!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Will any of my assets be taken from me?

Bankruptcy Attorney Jamie Ryke the Second Start Law Firm in Southfield, Michigan, explains what assets you can keep when you sign a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. ... Chapter 7 File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers Michigan Chicago Lawyers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fat Choi Spirit (嚦咕嚦咕新年財) - Part 2

succeeded to his game as he blessed by Wing Kei (Gigi Leung) rotation. Wing-Kei is a sweet girl who would do anything for Tak Wah, to the detriment of everyone who comes into her path. Tak-wah wants to marry, but only if she cleans her act that goes hard. Tak-Wah is with his mother (Bonnie Wong) and brother, Tin-Lok (Louis Koo) at Tin-Lok of the Internet company goes belly together upwards again. Tak-Wah lets her stay at his sumptuous villa, while he was on his usual mahjong way. However, ...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Can I Declare Bankruptcy? It All Depends

Can I declare bankruptcy? Have probably asked you this question a thousand times. The answer is simple, everything depends on whether you meet some basic criteria for filing a bankruptcy petition. This article will examine the initial requirements.

First, you can not file a bankruptcy petition if you had a bankruptcy discharged in less than seven years. Secondly, you can not file a bankruptcy petition if, in the last 180 daysShe had to dismiss a bankruptcy, because you do not comply with a provision of the Bankruptcy Code or any other proceedings or the Court ruling. You can not even if within the last 180 days of your own will be released after a creditor filed your files an application for exemption from automatic.

If none of these things apply to you, then you can have a Chapter 7 request for exemption file. However, in order to file Chapter 13 or what is called "a" wage earner "Procedure, there are some additional criteria you must meet. First and foremost, you will be the most a worker with a "regular income" and you can not a stockbroker or a commodity broker. Next, you must have less than $ 250,000.00 in unsecured debt and less than $ 750,000.00 in secured debt.

As you can see, people who live in high cost of property value states like California and parts of Florida, where the average price for a house exceeds one million U.S. dollars, it might have a hard timeCandidate for a Chapter 13 petition.

These are the basic considerations you need to commit themselves to determine whether you are entitled to file for bankruptcy protection. Because Your individual situation may differ from the assumptions in this article, which is intended for general purposes in different, you should always check with a competent lawyer before you in a legal matter

Sunday, September 13, 2009

California Bankruptcy, How to Recover After Bankruptcy

By Martin Rogers

Here, we have tried to avoid personal bankruptcy to inform the people what they should do before they sign a decision about the bankruptcy, with. We have repeatedly emphasized the severe consequences to be taken to bring a bankruptcy of the financial life of a man.
We also have a bankruptcy "last resort" method ", ie, people should always twice before they think about these difficult decisions, because if one of the file> Bankruptcy, all of your financial life will be seriously affected.

The California bankruptcy system offers some legal and financial aids that are for the sole purpose of those who used bankruptcy file.
Today we want is a way out is for people who have already done that, says a final decision and for bankruptcy, filed a little over overdraft arrangements, and how they can help someone theirSituation.

One of our customers, Caitlin Stewart, has recently filed for personal bankruptcy, and it only took our program to recover its financial stability and restore its creditworthiness.
Martin Rogers, our California bankruptcy expert, will certainly help them with any questions they have.

Caitlin Stewart
What is overdraft agreements? And I use the bankruptcy laws in California, it?

According to the California bankruptcy laws, people who have filed bankruptcy, allows the use of revolving credit accounts, which will have a direct relationship with their bank account. These are described as bank overdraft agreements. These accounts have a limited credit and within this amount of money you as the owner of the account can make withdrawals, even if you do not have enough money in the account.
An important point about these accounts is that after theOwner has withdrawn money, he or she must pay capital and interest. People must be very careful about the fulfillment of obligatory payments, and above all, always bear the burden of interest. Maintaining a healthy financial relationship with this type of account will be crucial in order to recover your credit history.

Caitlin Stewart
If this type of account surely help me?

Martin Rogers:
The California bankruptcy laws have this type of jobs createdMechanism to help people, and in certain special situations, such as bankruptcy. The most important thing to do after surviving bankruptcy is your credit score by paying on time the principal and interest, the credit bureaus will be in the behavior of your restore account, and they will eventually promote the growth of your credit score. The California bankruptcy system is to encourage the development of these special cases, bankruptcy,show where they meet a debt free life, while all can cause its financial obligations.

Caitlin Stewart
Following the bankruptcy of California system, as I improve my credit card capacity beyond that point?

Martin Rogers:
The California bankruptcy system allows people who have a steady growth in the credit reports in equal parts on credit, ability to develop themselves. After the loan takes over the normal limit withOverdraft agreements, the person for credit cards to increase the actual credit score.
Another interesting way of increasing your credit score is requesting a small unsecured loan for the purchase to make or buy small things. Will repay such loans, totaled more on your credit history, and you will eventually regain the serenity of being out of debt and a balanced financial life. Over time, you will earn your normal financial life, and you will Be able to identify any bank or credit card to use resources as one of the past. The main difference is that this time you will know how to manage it more effectively and successfully to avoid debt.

Bankruptcy in the California bankruptcy system file, you need the best legal advice possible. Free Choosing the wrong lawyer, you could be your home, vehicles or other goods. The decision is too important to trust it to the Yellow Pages or smooth TV spots.

Choose> California Bankruptcy well-established, well respected and highly qualified lawyers from law firms, dealing exclusively with consumer bankruptcy.

By using our free confidential legal evaluation you can on your way to financial solutions that you are trying to achieve. We can help you protect your assets and get the fresh start you deserve.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

In-Depth Look - Chrysler Files Bankruptcy - Bloomberg

Interview and discussion with Rebecca Lindland of IHS Global Insight. She shares his perspective in relation to the Fiat and Chrysler liquidations. (Bloomberg News)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Citigroup Bankruptcy: Federal Reserve & SEC Response

The purpose of this video is to discuss the real story in terms of Citigroup's potential bankruptcy, and why the mortgage crisis, but it is real, a ruse to distract the public from the true source of the problem. This is an unregulated shadow banking system, hedge and private equity funds dominated. A step that should turn around the economy that President Bush and Federal Reserve Chair Bernakke SEC Chairman Christopher Cox, require that these funds with the SEC and disclosed to register ...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Economic Crisis 2008 - Motivational Speaker Sam Crowley

Too many people try to avoid bankruptcy or loss of their 401K to. Instead of running from failure, you try on your dream. You will get there much faster ... Motivationstrainer economic crisis, loss of job dismissal rescue package

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Finding a Local Bankruptcy Attorney

If you have decided it is time to consider filing for bankruptcy protection, your first step is a critical one. While it is possible for protection without discouraging the assistant of an attorney-file, financial consultants. A Dallas bankruptcy lawyer does present a separate set of concerns, especially to those individuals who are already financially. But tapping the skills of a trained professional will pay off in the long term.

ConsiderSearch for a bankruptcy attorney Dallas as much as the search for a new doctor. A lawyer, like a doctor is a pro. He or she provides services that can be or not to your liking. Therefore, the first step in locating an attorney to negotiate for personal references is to ask.

While it is probably not an ideal topic to discuss with friends, or business acquaintances to ask if you know of someone who has experienced the bankruptcy proceedings, please him or her through her lawyer. SomeThe best lawyers are found through word of mouth. Questions on what the individual likes and not, as the lawyer. The process was fairly painless? The company has the staff treat them with respect? How did the person pay for the services (payments in advance, after registration, etc.). All these questions are important because they help you determine whether your attorney is someone you want to edit.

If you do not know who has filed bankruptcy in the pastor know of a bankruptcy lawyer ask for a reference from another lawyer or your tax adviser. For example, if you have a divorce lawyer, he or she wants to know who is an excellent bankruptcy attorney.

It is also possible to find a bankruptcy lawyer via a search online or over the phone book. When searching for a lawyer this way take into account the quality of its advertising. The company has a respectable website with insightfulInformation? When you click on a phone book advertising, it has evolved from the others? While this is not quite the same way a lawyer skills judges, prominent lawyers are expensive advertising function.

If you are a prospective attorney to conduct an Internet search. Enter his or her name), along with other keywords in a search engine box (Google. Added keywords can also "fraud" or "reference." The Internet is an excellent research toolProviding you with instant information on the family home.

Also take the time to interview the lawyer and do not be afraid to ask a list of references. In the implementation of an interview (also called a consultation), ask the timeframe for the submission process and payment procedures. Consider how the lawyer treats you. Have him or her to be friendly? They work with this person, so that you get and with anyone you choosetrust.

Search for a Dallas bankruptcy lawyer is an important process in the application for bankruptcy protection. Take time to find a lawyer who has your interests in mind, it is easy to process, and has the necessary skills to complete the job.